Archive for August, 2008


Maquita Oliver; visual nightmare

August 20, 2008

Having style, to me, is someone who can use colour, shape and pattern to create an interesting visual effect.

Regarding clothes, the style has to achieve an over all purpose, to be striking, to be functional and to be flattering. Flattering styles obviously vary depending on cultural social norms. Generally in western culture it is deemed attractive if a female is slim and tall, or even slim and curvaceous. Manly because these are charateristics common within fit and healthy individuals, and ultimately females who are going to be better well equipt to carry children, and give birth (Sorry to get all phsyio/anthropological on you!).

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Who said house work wasn’t sexy?

August 8, 2008

Sassy, sexy and useful were the criteria I set off with on my birthday-gift perusal of the interweb.

My cybernet recce was not unsuccessful. It has been long recognized that there is a certain sexiness surrounding the housewife act, be it French maid orientated or domestic goddess Nigela Lawson’s seductive hair-flicking finger-suckling homemaker-theatrics.

Today I discovered Jessie Steeles’ practical, about- the-house, vintage pin-up aprons

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